Synthetic Turf Does Not Worry About Wet Winters

By Courts & Greens - December 12th, 2017 in Uncategorized

Water Conservation

Natural Grass and Wet Conditions Don’t Mix

Last winter was particularly wet across California, and it’s possible this season could hold just as much rainfall too. April showers bring May flowers, but too much rain causes natural grass to turn into a giant, soggy mud puddle that’s just waiting to track dirt stains into your home.  

Left High and Dry? That’s a Good Thing

Synthetic turf doesn’t have that problem, nor will it grow uncontrollably with excessive water. Our synthetic turf contains natural drainage channels with flow rates of over 230” per hour, with the nearest competitor not even close to matching those numbers. Rest assured, Courts & Greens turf will handle whatever nature throws at it.  

In Fact…

A wet winter has the added benefit of washing away accumulated dust and doesn’t require any winter season prep work, so you can’t go wrong with all the benefits a synthetic lawn has to offer.  Give us a call today, and we’ll compare your yard against our many variations of turf, helping you find the best turf for your particular needs.