“He/She went to Courts & Greens!” might not have the same ring to it that other jewelry chains do, but you’ll nonetheless confirm your affections to your significant other this Valentine’s Day with a custom basketball court arrangement and All-Pro hoop setup. Did we mention it comes with a 16 year warranty and loads of safety features?
Features like Hideaway Net hooks that keep fingers from getting caught. Regulation thickness ½” backboards, or a height adjustment range from 5’ to 10’ to accommodate players of any age and skill. These are just a few of the countless design features that set our All-Pro hoops apart from the rest, and why so many are happy with their Courts & Green solution.
And if they do happen to cheat on you, our hoops have removable anchor bolts so your goal system can move on to something better with you. Best of all, a hoop system like this means you’re probably off the hook for the next few gift occasions. Contact us today for free estimates and answers to any questions you may have!