C&G Turf Installation Tips

By Courts & Greens - September 21st, 2017 in Turf

front yard synthetic lawns by Courts and Greens in Bakersfield

Three Things to Watch Out for When Installing Turf

#1) Choosing the Right Turf Product

We know this step seems obvious, but artificial turf is poorly judged by what looks good and feels nice, without any regard to what function the turf will serve. One important advantage of synthetic turf is the diversity of application. Specifically designed variants for sports use, residential, and pet all exist, so make sure what you’re buying is what it’s intended for.

#2) Preparation & Base Work

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Quite possibly the most important step, you need to ensure the ground you’re installing on is level and smooth. Uneven surfaces, small bumps, and holes detract from the overall appearance and can make your installation appear noticeably artificial. In fact, most installers agree that having a slight crown to the overall lawn helps in drainage and runoff.

#3) Even the Way it Faces has to be Considered.

When artificial turf is created, some grain patterns will emerge that influence what direction the grass will “point” or lay. When laying turf, the best practice is to orient the grain in the common direction of view, or angle people will be facing it at. This particular point is mostly aesthetic, but if your goal is to make a realistic installation these are the final details that can make or break your project.

Trust in the Experts

As you can guess, there are many more things to consider when properly installing turf. Fortunately, our team knows the ins and outs of turf installation, and years of experience ensures that you’ll have both form and function to the highest degree when choosing Courts & Greens for your install. Contact us with your ideas today!